A super healthy, Raw Rainbow Pad Thai made with plant based, living food ingredients.
With Mercury in retrograde for this entire month, there have been some significant changes in my energy. I don’t know about you, but have you been feeling absolutely zonked, for no good reason at all? Retrogrades are often seen as a bit of challenge – a bit backward, and a lot interfering. For me, the energy very much feels like a compulsory ‘pens down’, a time to rest up, recharge, and turn inward for some reflection and quiet time. And so, there have been lots of early nights, long, hot soaks in the bath (or shower), journaling, and deep, full, belly-breathing. In addition, I’ve also been calling on my herbal friends to help see me through. A little valerian extract in the evenings to cool and calm the nervous system and help relax before bed, a lot of fresh lemon balm tea to settle mind and body, and ample bunches of fresh, fragrant rosemary by my computer to stay stimulated, present and focused on the task at hand (retrograde or not – there are still research reviews to be written!).
Still, Autumn is a nice time to have this energy floating around, if I’m going to be ‘forced’ to stop, drop and rest, what better time of year to do it than now?
Speaking of which, today I’m sharing a simple fibre rich, enzyme-packed, high vibrational Raw Pad Thai – filled with all the beautiful multi coloured autumn heirloom carrots that are a plenty at the Farmer’s Markets lately. Cosmic purple, golden yellow and that familiar, cheery orange.
[bctt tweet="Try this high vibrational, Raw Rainbow Pad Thai - full of phytonutrient goodness."]
The bright colour spectrum brings lots of health promoting phytochemicals to the plate, and certainly looks pretty. They’re energetically grounding, though don’t have any specific medicinal qualities, aside from being quite soothing and alkalising as a juice, on an acidic stomach. Wild carrot however, also known as Queen Anne’s Lace, was traditionally used as diuretic and a remedy for gas. The flowers, as you can see below, are quite ethereal, from tough taproot in the earth, to stalk, to delicate flowers bursting outward towards the cosmic realms. A little bit magical don’t you think? Or at least a new way of looking at a common weed.
“Just as, when you look
Into the eyes of another human being
You get a glimpse of their soul…
So also when you look deeply
Into the heart of a flower
you get a glimpse into the soul
of the Earth.”
– Rudolf Steiner
Technicolour carrots aside, it’s the dressing that really makes this salad. Because really, you can spiralise, slice or shred up any number of vegetables as a base. The dressing will yield close to a cup and is so fragrant thanks to the fresh Kaffir lime leaves. I used a little white miso for a touch of saltiness (and probiotic goodness, of course), a sprinkle of coconut sugar to sweeten, and home made almond butter for a hint of richness. I like a good amount of garlic and ginger, but just a little chilli.
This recipe makes a large sized salad, good for entertaining guests. I used quite a bit of zucchini as they were huge, juicy and fresh at the markets. Just be weary that they often leak a little water once cut and left out – so perhaps pat them dry a bit first, or else serve and enjoy the salad straight away.

Raw Rainbow Pad Thai
- 2 medium zucchini
- 1 medium purple carrot
- 1 medium yellow carrot
- 1 medium orange carrot
- 40 g capsicum
- Few handfuls of bean sprouts
- ½ cup peanuts
- 1/3 cup water
- ¼ cup lime juice
- 2 Kaffir lime leaves
- 2 tablespoons sesame oil
- 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice
- 2 tablespoons home made almond butter
- 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon coconut sugar
- 2 scant teaspoon white miso
- 2 cloves garlic
- 2 teaspoons freshly minced ginger
- ¼ teaspoon chilli flakes
- Use a spiraliser to turn the zucchini into thin ‘noodles’. Peel, top and tail the carrots, then use a mandolin to thinly slice them lengthways into ribbons. Use a small knife to cut the ribbons into matchsticks. Slice the capsicum thinly, then combine all vegetables in a large bowl.
- Thinly slice the Kaffir lime leaves and roughly mince the garlic. Combine all ingredients in a blender and whiz til smooth. Pour over the salad to serve. Decorate with a few extra handfuls of bean sprouts, peanuts, chilli flakes and lime wedges.
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