This is a collection of all the health and wellness products I have personally vetted, use, love and recommend.
In the spirit of full disclosure, all use affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission on any purchases as compensation for sharing products here.

Sun Stream infrared saunas
Sun Stream home infrared saunas are top of the line, made with natural materials and the lowest EMF output. Infrared saunas penetrate deep into the tissue to help open drainage pathways and facilitate detox, ease pain and inflammation, promote energy and relieve stress. I have the smallest model in my lounge - it is fantastic!

TrueLight Energy Square
This LED light panel offers red light for rejuvenation, near-infrared for strengthening, and yellow for skin health. The steady light mode is ideal for pain relief while the pulsating mode supports cellular healing. Photobiomodulation therapy (LED therapy) has a large body of evidence to support its efficacy.

Herbal Academy courses
The Herbal Academy is an absolutely fantastic education centre for all things plant medicine - from beginners to advanced. Learn how to prepare herbal medicines to support you and your family's health and vitality.

Somavedic -frequency therapy
Somavedic is a home frequency therapy device backed by science. It offers protection against EMFs and can even structure water. It produces a protective and cohesive field around the home thanks to controlled release of energy from precious and semi-precious stones. Benefits may include improved energy and sleep, increased concentration and focus, improved hydration and reduction in stress.
Use the code ASCENSION to save 10%.

doTERRA essential oils
doTERRA produce the absolute highest quality essential oils and natural products, in a sustainable way, while giving back to local communities via their Healing Hands Foundation. Every home should have a selection of oils to support physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and environmental wellbeing, in my humble opinion!
Use this link to purchase and get wholesale pricing, the lovely Dee will look after you (this is not an affiliate link).