Classic Refried Black Beans – a versatile plant-based staple to enjoy with tacos, burritos, nachos, or simply with a side of rice. Great to have in the freezer for an easy mid-week meal.
What's not to love about beans? Hearty, filling, fibre and protein rich, tasty and cheap to buy!
[bctt tweet="Classic Refried Black Beans - a versatile plant-based staple. Protein and fibre rich. Recipe here!" username="laurenglucina"]
Per cup (cooked), black beans contain:
- 15.2g of protein (33% of the RDI for adult women, and about 24% for men)
- 15g dietary fibre (60% of the RDI for adult women, and 50% for men)
- 3.61mg iron (20% of the RDI for adult women 19-50 years, and 45% for adult men)
- 120mg magnesium (about 38% of the RDI for adult women 31+ years, and 29% for men 31+)
- 241mg phosphorus (about 24% of the RDI for adults)
- 611mg potassium (about 22% of the average intake for adult women, and 16% for men)
- 1.93mg zinc (about 24% of the RDI for adult women, and 14% for men)
- 0.359mg copper (about 30% of the RDI for adult women, and 21% for men)
- 56.1mg choline (13.2% of the RDI for adult women, and 10.2% for men)
- 0.42mg thiamine (vitamin B1) (about 38% of the RDI for adult women, and 35% for men)
- 256mg folate (vitamin B9) (64% of the RDI for adults)
They also have a low glycemic index of 30, meaning they are digested and absorbed at a slower rate, producing only a gradual rise in blood sugar and insulin yet giving a sustained boost of energy.
Generally speaking the bioavailability of the minerals in legumes (particularly, iron and zinc) is poor due to the presence of phytates, which is why I recommend soaking them for a period in water, before cooking from scratch – as in this recipe.
In fact, cooking from scratch is far superior in taste than opting for canned, and if you add a decent amount of good old garlic and onion to the pot while it simmers away, you’ll be treated to a house full of delicious smells.
This recipe will make about 5 cups of cooked beans. Freeze what you don’t use for an easy mid-week meal, and enjoy with homemade tacos.
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Classic Refried Black Beans {V}
Yields about 5 cups. Note prep time excludes the 12 hours soaking time.
- 500 g black beans dried
- Water and/or vegetables stock stock for a richer flavour
- 6 large cloves garlic
- 2 large onions white, diced
- Large bunch coriander chopped
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 teaspoon chilli powder
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
- Few sprigs of spring onion sliced thin
- ¼ teaspoon fine sea salt
- Soak beans in ample water for about 12 hours (they will double in size). When you’re ready to cook, rinse and drain, then add to a large pot. Cover by at least two inches with water and/or vegetable stock – stock will make for a richer flavour. Add one diced onion, and four cloves of garlic. Cover, bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cook for an hour or until beans are soft – making sure there is always enough water in the pot to avoid them sticking and burning.
- Once beans have cooked, we are going to add them to the frying pan in two batches purely for ease.
- Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a large frying pan, then cook half of the remaining onion till golden. Add half of the spices (chilli powder, ground cumin, smoked paprika) and one minced clove of garlic, cook for another minute.
- Using a slotted spoon, measure out 2½ cups of cooked black beans and add to the pan, then add approximately 1/2 cup of the liquid from the same pot. Mash the beans with a potato masher and cook for a few minutes.
- Remove everything from the pan and repeat with the remaining ingredients.
- Once both batches are cooked, mix in the sea salt, chopped coriander and spring onion, ready to serve.
- Freeze what you don’t use for next time.
National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. (2016). Full report (all nutrients): 16015, beans, black, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt.
Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand. (2017). Nutrients.
The University of Sydney. (2017). Search result, black beans.
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