This is a meditation for love. Because love heals everything.
Find a quiet time to do this, when you have space to sit for at least 15 minutes without being interrupted. I love to do this in the mornings. I wake early, have my lemon and water and put some herbs on to boil to enjoy as a tea later. Then I head back down to bed while they’re simmering away, and get in my M-Zone.
The benefit of doing this in morning means you are less likely to fall asleep mid way through!
Love Meditation
Start by closing your eyes, and taking 10, deep, slow breaths. Breathe in for the count of three, hold for the count of four, and breathe out for the count of five. Feel your chest expanding with each breath.
Now tune in and connect with the Universal energy. Become consciously aware of the vastness of the universe, and the great power and energy within it. Say to yourself;
Universal energy, may I ask to work with you now please. Can I please share in some of your great light, to cleanse, balance and realign my energies, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Imagine a pillar of white light, being directed down from the stars directly into your crown chakra on the top of your head. Use your breath to guide it into your body and let it travel down your spinal column, through each of your chakra centres, and moving further - deep into the earth. Feel it clearing and correcting any imbalances. Feel it anchoring you into the ground.
Sit with this for a few minutes.
Now, imagine a pillar of rose pink light, travelling down into your crown, down your spine, and filling the crevices of your body with love, compassion, and warmth. Imagine this light expanding and growing stronger, feel what it feels like to experience pure, unconditional love. Let it wash over every emotional, mental and physical aspect of yourself, let it bathe all of you.
Sit with this again for a few minutes.
Next, imagine there are shutters over your heart. Open them. Beam this pink light out from your heart space. Radiate it. Feel the light swell from your body and surround you in a bubble of pure love.
Again, sit with this a few minutes.
If you like, you can consciously ask that this love and light be amplified, and visualise it extending from your aura space to saturate your room, or to fill your home, your back yard, your street…
Ask that this love energy stay with you for the whole day.
To finish, thank the Universal energy for sharing the light with you, and imagine it travelling from the earth back up your spine, through your head, and back into the universe. Send your thanks as the light returns to Source.
When you are ready, after a few deep breaths, you can open your eyes and start your day.
Kirsten Shanks
Beautiful woman x